County Commissioner Peter Browning Deserves Re-Election

County Commissioner Peter Browning Deserves Re-Election

As residents of Eastern Skagit County, we are very concerned about the extensive influence that Seattle has over our lives and lands.  Seattle’s electric utility department, known as Seattle City Light, has long sought to avoid fish passage at its Skagit River dams, seemingly pushing risky habitat projects on Skagit farmland instead that seem unlikely to increase salmon numbers. 

Seattle holds a permanent board seat on the Skagit Watershed Council, where Seattle money and political influence has seemingly bought Seattle a number of local “friends”.   As a result, Seattle often seems to have more sway over the Skagit’s future than our democratically-elected local governments.

Skagit County Commissioner Peter Browning has bravely stood up to Seattle’s immense political and economic power, insisting that Seattle respect Skagitonians’ right to plan our own future in cooperation with Skagit tribes.    

Browning helped negotiate safe flood storage at Seattle’s dams for the first time since the dams were built, also helping bring Skagit tribes and Skagit local government together around a big picture salmon recovery plan that is likely to actually increase tribal and non-tribal harvest.

Please join us in re-electing Skagit County Commissioner Peter Browning. 

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